Central University
A ministry of Central Baptist Church of North Little Rock
Starting Sunday, September 15, 2024 Classes begin at 5 pm
Certificate Track
Earn certification through our comprehensive program on the 4 Canons
Audit Track
Take the classes you want without the requirements of certification
CentralU KIDS!
Sign up for childcare up through 4 yrs old, classes for K-6th, and CentralU Worship Arts
Our Purpose
Central U exists to create disciples of Jesus Christ by providing strategic and formative opportunities for growth and engagement in the areas of ecclesiology (“authentic family”), theology (“around the whole gospel”), doxology (“for the glory of God”), and missiology (“the reaching of the nations”).
Certificate Track
The Certificate Track is an intensive, structured journey through the four canons of Central Baptist Church that includes the following Phases or elements under each canon:
- Core Texts
- Elective Texts
- Scripture Memorization
- Practicum
Certificate Track students will have their work graded with a Pass/Fail grade and must pass to get credit for the class. The goal of the Certificate Track is to equip students who go through this process to be deeply and strategically versed and equipped in the biblical, theological, and ecclesiological foundations of each canon. The Certificate Track lasts as long as students need to complete the requirements. We would like to challenge CentralU participants to consider participating in the Certificate Track.
Certificate Track Requirements

- Central Matters A: Canons (Online or In Person)
- Central Matters B: Covenant (Online or In Person)
- Bonhoeffer, Life Together
- Conflict Resolution in the Shadow of the Cross
- Elective Option #1
- Elective Option #2
- Elective Option #3
- Matthew 16:15-18
- Acts 2:42-47
- Ephesians 5:25-27
- 1 Corinthians 12:12 & 27
Practicums are assigned upon the completion of the first three phases. Please approach any member of the ministerial staff concerning your practicum.

- Alister McGrath, “Theology: The Basics” (Online)
- Apologetics
- Core Requirement #3
- Elective Option #1
- Elective Option #2
- Elective Option #3
- John 3:16
- Romans 1:16
- Philippians 1:27
- Romans 10:9-10
- 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Practicums are assigned upon the completion of the first three phases. Please approach any member of the ministerial staff concerning your practicum.

- Elective Option #1
- Elective Option #2
- Elective Option #3
- Psalm 100
- Ephesians 5:18c-21
- Isaiah 6:3
- Hebrews 13:15
Practicums are assigned upon the completion of the first three phases. Please approach any member of the ministerial staff concerning your practicum.

- Perspectives – Certificate Level (Email about a scholarship. Sign up at perspectives.org)
- Everyday Evangelism
- Ten Who Changed the World
- Elective Option #2
- Elective Option #3
- Matthew 28:18-20
- Acts 1:8
- Romans 10:14-15
Practicums are assigned upon the completion of the first three phases. Please approach any member of the ministerial staff concerning your practicum.

- Central Matters A: Canons (Online or In Person)
- Central Matters B: Covenant (Online or In Person)
- Bonhoeffer, Life Together
- Conflict Resolution in the Shadow of the Cross
- Elective Option #1
- Elective Option #2
- Elective Option #3
- Matthew 16:15-18
- Acts 2:42-47
- Ephesians 5:25-27
- 1 Corinthians 12:12 & 27
Practicums are assigned upon the completion of the first three phases. Please approach any member of the ministerial staff concerning your practicum.

- Alister McGrath, “Theology: The Basics” (Online)
- Apologetics
- Core Requirement #3
- Elective Option #1
- Elective Option #2
- Elective Option #3
- John 3:16
- Romans 1:16
- Philippians 1:27
- Romans 10:9-10
- 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Practicums are assigned upon the completion of the first three phases. Please approach any member of the ministerial staff concerning your practicum.

- R.C. Sproul, “Holiness of God” (Online via Ligonier Ministries)
- Bob Kauflin, “Worship Matters”
- Elective Option #1
- Elective Option #2
- Elective Option #3
- Psalm 100
- Ephesians 5:18c-21
- Isaiah 6:3
- Hebrews 13:15
Practicums are assigned upon the completion of the first three phases. Please approach any member of the ministerial staff concerning your practicum.

- Perspectives – Certificate Level (Email about a scholarship. Sign up at perspectives.org)
- Ten Who Changed the World
- Elective Option #2
- Elective Option #3
- Matthew 28:18-20
- Acts 1:8
- Romans 10:14-15
Practicums are assigned upon the completion of the first three phases. Please approach any member of the ministerial staff concerning your practicum.
Audit Track
Any person can take any CentralU class with or without purchasing the material unless there are special circumstances related to the class whereby its membership would need to be limited (in such circumstances, this would be communicated in the enrollment material for the class).
We are committed to not creating closed-off classes (again, unless there is a legitimate class-specific reason to do so) and the audit option keeps that from happening.
What Our Students Have to Say